北京奧運媒體採訪須知 "The 21 Edicts"
"Chinese media, according to the Chinese constitution, are free to report on the Games."
那篇於14日刊登在澳洲Sydney Morning Herald上的"The 21 Edicts"
以下就是引用自Sydney Morning Herald的"The 21 Edicts"全文
1. The telecast of sports events will be live [but] in case of emergencies, no print is allowed to report on it.
2. From August 1, most of the previously accessible overseas websites will be unblocked. No coverage is allowed on this development. There's also no need to use stories published overseas on this matter and [website] operators should not provide any superlinks on their pages.
從八月一日開始, 大多數之前可以連上的外國網站將重新開放, 但禁止針對此事做相關報導。 不引用任何外電針對此事件的報導, 網站管理者也禁止於網站中提供外電新聞的超連結。
3. Be careful with religious and ethnic subjects.
4. Don't make fuss about foreign leaders at the opening ceremony, especially in relation to seat arrangements or their private lives.
5. We have to put special emphasis on ethnic equality. Any perceived racist terms as "black athlete" or "white athlete" is not allowed. During the official telecast, we can refer to Taiwan as "Chinese Taipei". In ordinary times, refer to Taiwanese athletes as "those from the precious island Taiwan....." In case of any pro Taiwan-independence related incident inside the venue, you shall follow restrictions listed in item 1.
我們需要特別小心處理種族議題, 不准用"黑人選手"或是"白人選手"來稱呼運動員。
在賽事轉播中, 我們要稱呼"台灣"為"中華台北", 提到來自台灣的選手時, 應該以"來自寶島台灣的..."稱之。
6. For those ethnic Chinese coaches and athletes who come back to Beijing to compete on behalf of other countries, don't play up their "patriotism" since that could backfire with their adopted countries.
對於出身大陸、但卻在本屆奧運代表他國出賽的選手和教練, 我們不應該在"愛國精神"上大作文章, 這可能會引發來自其代表國家的抨擊。
7. As for the Pro-Tibetan independence and East Turkistan movements, no coverage is allowed. There's also no need to make fuss about our anti-terrorism efforts.
禁止任何對於藏獨和東突厥斯坦獨立運動的報導, 也不要對本國的反恐運動作為多作文章。
8. All food saftey issues, such as cancer-causing mineral water, is off-limits.
對於 黑心食品 或是 致癌礦泉水 的相關報導是不被允許的。
9. In regard to the three protest parks, no interviews and coverage is allowed.
10. No fuss about the rehearsals on August 2,5. No negative comments about the opening ceremony.
不要對八月二日和五日的開幕式預演多所著墨, 禁止發表對開幕式的負面評論。
11.No mention of the Lai Changxing (賴昌星) case.
不提 賴昌星 案。
12.No mention of those who illegally enter China.
13.On international matters, follow the official line. For instance, follow the official propaganda line on the North Korean nuclear issue; be objective when it comes to the Middle East issue and play it down as much as possible; no fuss about the Darfur question; No fuss about UN reform; be careful with Cuba. If any emergency occurs, please report to the foreign ministry.
14. If anything related to territorial dispute happens, make no fuss about it. Play down the Myanmar issue; play down the Takeshima island dispute.
15. Regarding diplomatic ties between China and certain nations, don't do interviews on your own and don't use online stories. Instead, adopt Xinhua stories only. Particularly on the Doha round negotiation, US elections, China-Iran co-operation, China-Aussie co-operation, China-Zimbabwe co-operation, China-Paraguay co-operation.
16.Be very careful with TV ratings, only use domestic body's figures. Play it down when rating goes down.
謹慎處理有關奧運電視轉播收視率的新聞, 只允許引用國內機構提供的數據, 如果有收視率下滑的狀況發生, 一律冷處理。
17. In case of an emergency involving foreign tourists, please follow the official line. If there's no official line, stay away from it.
如果有任何牽涉到外國觀光客的意外事件發生, 請依據官方指示做相關報導, 否則就請 STAY AWAY FROM IT !!!
18. Re possible subway accidents in the capital, please follow the official line.
19.Be positive on security measures.
20. Be very careful with stock market coverage during the Games.
21.Properly handle coverage of the Chinese sports delegation:
A.don't criticise the selection process
B.don't overhype gold medals; don't issue predictions on gold medal numbers; don't make fuss about cash rewards for athletes.
不大肆宣傳總金牌數; 不發表任何對於金牌數的預測; 不對運動員的奪牌獎金過度關注。
C.don't make a fuss about isolated misconducts by athletes.
D.enforce the publicity of our anti-doping measures.
E. put emphasis on government efforts to secure the retirement life of atheletes.
F. keep a cool head on the Chinese performance. Be prepared for possible fluctations in the medal race.
無論中國隊的成績如何, 切記要保持冷靜, 別忘了獎牌榜的排名隨時可能風雲變色。
G. refrain from publishing opinion pieces at odds with the official propangada line of the Chinese delegation.
再次強調我個人並不確定這所謂的"The 21 Edicts"是否為有心人士刻意捏造的假新聞