[翻譯]You've Got To Be Kidding!
You've Got To Be Kidding!
By John Mazor
Published : February 17, 2008 / New York Post
How's this for junk science - even with three Gold Gloves, Yankees captain Derek Jeter has been labeled the worst fielding shortstop in baseball.
儘管手握三座金手套獎盃, 洋基隊長Jeter仍然被評為近幾年來防守最差的游擊手。
But the numbers prove it, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania said yesterday at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in (of course) Boston.
這一切都有數據作為證明, 一群來自賓州大學的研究人員在昨天於American Association for the Advancement of Science的會議中如此宣稱, 而該會議的舉辦地點...還會是哪裡?當然是在波士頓。
Using a complex statistical method, researchers concluded that Alex Rodriguez was one of the best shortstops in the game when he played for the Texas Rangers.
透過複雜的數據分析方法, 研究人員認為效力於德州游騎兵時的A-Rod是表現最佳的游擊手之一。
When Rodriguez became a Yankee in 2004, he moved to third base while Jeter stayed at short.
在2004年加入洋基後, A-Rod為了遷就Jeter而把守備位置調整到三壘。
But that may have been a mistake, said Penn researcher Shane Jensen.
這樣的調整在賓州大學的研究員Shane Jensen看來, 是個天大的錯誤。
Researchers looked at every ball put in play from 2002 through 2005 and recorded where the shots went.
研究人員分析了從2002年到2005年球季間所有的賽事, 並且記錄了每顆被打者所擊出的球的去向。
Jensen said a player's success depended on his range as well as how effectively he made decisions and positioned himself on the field.
Jensen表示, 判斷一個球員防守能力好壞的標準除了看其有效防守範圍之外, 還得考量他是否能有效率地做出正確決定、以及他在場上如何站位。
Players were then ranked in each position from best to worst, with Mr. New York Baseball - Jeter - coming in dead last among major league shortstops during the research period.
而分析的結果就是一張將各防守位置球員從好到壞排列的排行榜, 而紐約棒球界的王子 - Jeter, 則在游擊手項目中敬陪末座。
A-Rod, who won two Gold Gloves as a shortstop, was ranked No. 2.
而曾經贏得兩座游擊金手套獎盃的A-Rod, 則高居第二。
"The Yankees have one of the best defensive shortstops playing out of position in deference to one of the worst defensive shortstops," said Jensen.
"洋基為了讓防守最差的游擊手留在其守備位置上, 選擇讓身為聯盟中最佳游擊手之一的A-Rod移防三壘," Jensen說道。
But New Yorkers scoffed at the notion.
"I don't know what they're smoking down at Penn," said Yankees fan Mike
"我不知道他們(UPenn研究人員)到底是嗑了什麼藥," 洋基球迷Mike如此回應。
Birch, 32. "That's preposterous. I completely disagree. Jeter's a clutch player."
32歲的Birch則表示, "這實在太荒謬了, 我完全不同意這樣的說法, Jeter可是個在關鍵時刻都會適時發揮的球員。"
"It's ridiculous," said fan Jay Ricker, 22. "Jeter is all-around awesome. He's better than A-Rod any day. Character has a lot to do with it. He's out there for his teammates, not just himself. He does it for the good of the team. That's the kind of guy you want on the field."
"這太扯了," 22歲的Jay Ricker說道, "Jeter是個全面性的球員, 不管什麼時候都比A-Rod來的優秀, 關鍵在於他的人格特質, Jeter永遠是團隊第一, 個人第二, 所作所為全都是為了球隊好, 你會希望這樣的球員為你效力。"
Ricker added that "A-Rod's only out for the money. For him it's not about baseball, it's just about banking."
Ricker補充道 "A-Rod則是個見錢眼開的人, 對他來說棒球不是重點, 錢才是最重要的。"
Fans said Jeter's greatness goes beyond the numbers he produces on the field.
球迷認為光靠統計數據, 是無法真正了解Jeter的偉大之處。
"He has intangible qualities that can't be measured with statistics," said East Village bar owner Kevin Hooshangi, 28.
"他的無形價值是你無法用數據來衡量的," 28歲的某東村酒吧老闆Kevin Hooshangi說道。
"He's he ultimate teammate. It doesn't matter what his percentages are when he's making big plays in big games. He's the one with four World Series rings."
"他是個最棒的隊友, 只要能在關鍵性的比賽中做出重大貢獻, 守備率根本不是重點, 他手上可是戴著四只世界大賽冠軍戒。"
"I would disagree [with the study] of course, Jeter does a good job," said Pam Lips, 28. "Rodriguez is OK but I would take Jeter over A-Rod."
"我當然無法接受這樣的研究結果, Jeter是個很棒的球員," 28歲的Pam Lips說道, "A-Rod是還不錯, 但是如果讓我來選, 我給Jeter的評價還是高於A-Rod。"
However, Frank Angelo, 50, gave A-Rod his due. "He's the best shortstop in the American League playing third base," Angelo said.
不過還是有人支持該研究的成果, 50歲的Frank Angelo這麼說道, "洋基的三壘手是全美聯最佳的游擊手。"
But Jeter as one of the worst?
不過就算如此, 你真的認為Jeter有這麼糟嗎?
"That's not true," Angelo said. "He's a good fielding shortstop." He even said he would keep Jeter at short. "Jeter's the captain, he was there before A-Rod," said Angelo.
"我並不這麼認為," Angelo說道, "他是個守備能力不錯的游擊手。"
Angelo甚至覺得他還是會把Jeter放在游擊的位置上, "Jeter是洋基的隊長, 而且他在A-Rod來之前就一直鎮守游擊大關。"
To crunch the numbers, Jensen said balls put into play were divided into three categories:
為了進一步說明研究方法, Jensen解釋所有打者擊出的球被他們分為以下三種類型 :
The ability to field fly balls accounted for 33 percent, while line drives made up 25 percent, and ground balls made up 42 percent of the calculations.
高飛球防守能力佔排名數據的33%, 平飛球則佔25%, 剩下的42%則是滾地球的防守能力。
Based on the studies, Clint Barmes of the Colorado Rockies was the best fielding shortstop in the game in that time period.
根據他們的研究分析, 洛磯隊的Clint Barmes是研究數據採樣期間全大聯盟防守能力最優異的游擊手。
Jason Bartlett - recently traded from Minnesota to Tampa Bay, was third after A-Rod.
而剛被雙城隊交易到魔鬼魚的Jason Bartlett, 則緊追在A-Rod之後名列第三。
But as Yankee fan Brittnay Thompson, 32, said, it's about who's good in May, and who's good in October.
但是32歲的洋基球迷Brittnay Thompson則認為, 關鍵在於誰在例行賽表現好, 誰又在季後賽表現優異。
"In big situations A-Rod drops the ball, no pun intended," said Thompson."
"我可不是在說笑...關鍵時刻表現掉漆的人總是A-Rod。" Thompson說道。
By John Mazor
Published : February 17, 2008 / New York Post
How's this for junk science - even with three Gold Gloves, Yankees captain Derek Jeter has been labeled the worst fielding shortstop in baseball.
儘管手握三座金手套獎盃, 洋基隊長Jeter仍然被評為近幾年來防守最差的游擊手。
But the numbers prove it, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania said yesterday at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in (of course) Boston.
這一切都有數據作為證明, 一群來自賓州大學的研究人員在昨天於American Association for the Advancement of Science的會議中如此宣稱, 而該會議的舉辦地點...還會是哪裡?當然是在波士頓。
Using a complex statistical method, researchers concluded that Alex Rodriguez was one of the best shortstops in the game when he played for the Texas Rangers.
透過複雜的數據分析方法, 研究人員認為效力於德州游騎兵時的A-Rod是表現最佳的游擊手之一。
When Rodriguez became a Yankee in 2004, he moved to third base while Jeter stayed at short.
在2004年加入洋基後, A-Rod為了遷就Jeter而把守備位置調整到三壘。
But that may have been a mistake, said Penn researcher Shane Jensen.
這樣的調整在賓州大學的研究員Shane Jensen看來, 是個天大的錯誤。
Researchers looked at every ball put in play from 2002 through 2005 and recorded where the shots went.
研究人員分析了從2002年到2005年球季間所有的賽事, 並且記錄了每顆被打者所擊出的球的去向。
Jensen said a player's success depended on his range as well as how effectively he made decisions and positioned himself on the field.
Jensen表示, 判斷一個球員防守能力好壞的標準除了看其有效防守範圍之外, 還得考量他是否能有效率地做出正確決定、以及他在場上如何站位。
Players were then ranked in each position from best to worst, with Mr. New York Baseball - Jeter - coming in dead last among major league shortstops during the research period.
而分析的結果就是一張將各防守位置球員從好到壞排列的排行榜, 而紐約棒球界的王子 - Jeter, 則在游擊手項目中敬陪末座。
A-Rod, who won two Gold Gloves as a shortstop, was ranked No. 2.
而曾經贏得兩座游擊金手套獎盃的A-Rod, 則高居第二。
"The Yankees have one of the best defensive shortstops playing out of position in deference to one of the worst defensive shortstops," said Jensen.
"洋基為了讓防守最差的游擊手留在其守備位置上, 選擇讓身為聯盟中最佳游擊手之一的A-Rod移防三壘," Jensen說道。
But New Yorkers scoffed at the notion.
"I don't know what they're smoking down at Penn," said Yankees fan Mike
"我不知道他們(UPenn研究人員)到底是嗑了什麼藥," 洋基球迷Mike如此回應。
Birch, 32. "That's preposterous. I completely disagree. Jeter's a clutch player."
32歲的Birch則表示, "這實在太荒謬了, 我完全不同意這樣的說法, Jeter可是個在關鍵時刻都會適時發揮的球員。"
"It's ridiculous," said fan Jay Ricker, 22. "Jeter is all-around awesome. He's better than A-Rod any day. Character has a lot to do with it. He's out there for his teammates, not just himself. He does it for the good of the team. That's the kind of guy you want on the field."
"這太扯了," 22歲的Jay Ricker說道, "Jeter是個全面性的球員, 不管什麼時候都比A-Rod來的優秀, 關鍵在於他的人格特質, Jeter永遠是團隊第一, 個人第二, 所作所為全都是為了球隊好, 你會希望這樣的球員為你效力。"
Ricker added that "A-Rod's only out for the money. For him it's not about baseball, it's just about banking."
Ricker補充道 "A-Rod則是個見錢眼開的人, 對他來說棒球不是重點, 錢才是最重要的。"
Fans said Jeter's greatness goes beyond the numbers he produces on the field.
球迷認為光靠統計數據, 是無法真正了解Jeter的偉大之處。
"He has intangible qualities that can't be measured with statistics," said East Village bar owner Kevin Hooshangi, 28.
"他的無形價值是你無法用數據來衡量的," 28歲的某東村酒吧老闆Kevin Hooshangi說道。
"He's he ultimate teammate. It doesn't matter what his percentages are when he's making big plays in big games. He's the one with four World Series rings."
"他是個最棒的隊友, 只要能在關鍵性的比賽中做出重大貢獻, 守備率根本不是重點, 他手上可是戴著四只世界大賽冠軍戒。"
"I would disagree [with the study] of course, Jeter does a good job," said Pam Lips, 28. "Rodriguez is OK but I would take Jeter over A-Rod."
"我當然無法接受這樣的研究結果, Jeter是個很棒的球員," 28歲的Pam Lips說道, "A-Rod是還不錯, 但是如果讓我來選, 我給Jeter的評價還是高於A-Rod。"
However, Frank Angelo, 50, gave A-Rod his due. "He's the best shortstop in the American League playing third base," Angelo said.
不過還是有人支持該研究的成果, 50歲的Frank Angelo這麼說道, "洋基的三壘手是全美聯最佳的游擊手。"
But Jeter as one of the worst?
不過就算如此, 你真的認為Jeter有這麼糟嗎?
"That's not true," Angelo said. "He's a good fielding shortstop." He even said he would keep Jeter at short. "Jeter's the captain, he was there before A-Rod," said Angelo.
"我並不這麼認為," Angelo說道, "他是個守備能力不錯的游擊手。"
Angelo甚至覺得他還是會把Jeter放在游擊的位置上, "Jeter是洋基的隊長, 而且他在A-Rod來之前就一直鎮守游擊大關。"
To crunch the numbers, Jensen said balls put into play were divided into three categories:
為了進一步說明研究方法, Jensen解釋所有打者擊出的球被他們分為以下三種類型 :
The ability to field fly balls accounted for 33 percent, while line drives made up 25 percent, and ground balls made up 42 percent of the calculations.
高飛球防守能力佔排名數據的33%, 平飛球則佔25%, 剩下的42%則是滾地球的防守能力。
Based on the studies, Clint Barmes of the Colorado Rockies was the best fielding shortstop in the game in that time period.
根據他們的研究分析, 洛磯隊的Clint Barmes是研究數據採樣期間全大聯盟防守能力最優異的游擊手。
Jason Bartlett - recently traded from Minnesota to Tampa Bay, was third after A-Rod.
而剛被雙城隊交易到魔鬼魚的Jason Bartlett, 則緊追在A-Rod之後名列第三。
But as Yankee fan Brittnay Thompson, 32, said, it's about who's good in May, and who's good in October.
但是32歲的洋基球迷Brittnay Thompson則認為, 關鍵在於誰在例行賽表現好, 誰又在季後賽表現優異。
"In big situations A-Rod drops the ball, no pun intended," said Thompson."
"我可不是在說笑...關鍵時刻表現掉漆的人總是A-Rod。" Thompson說道。
版主回覆:(02/25/2008 03:07:06 PM)