[翻譯]The Fresh Vince
The Fresh Vince
Published : January 29, 2007 / New York Post
Vince Carter said he just felt it was time. Time to get aggressive. Time to try to take over. Time to be Vince Carter.
...是時候扮演"Vince Carter"了
"It does mean being aggressive in the right way, in the right sense, in the right setting at the right time. You could feel when it's time," said Carter. "I felt it was time to attack. Take shots when the jump shot was there, drive to the basket and make the right pass when it was there. It all worked for us."
"這代表著用正確的方法, 正確的觀念以及在正確的時間點適時提升自己的侵略性, " Carter說道
"我感覺該是我開火的時候了, 在手感正熱的時候放手攻擊, 大膽切入並作出適當的傳球處理, 這全都為球隊提供了正面的幫助"
That was Saturday, when Carter forged a magnificent 40-point effort - including 20 in the fourth quarter, with 10 of those at the line. So the Nets ended their three-game, lose-by-one-point-on-the-opponent's-last-possession nightmare with a 112-102 victory in Denver, which they hope to use as a springboard for their trip-ending game with the Northwest-leading Jazz here tonight.
這全都發生在星期天晚上, 一場Carter豪取40分的比賽 - 他光是在第四節就拿下了20分(有10分是靠罰球得分) , Nets也因此結束了連續三場比賽都栽在對手的最後一擊 - 三場比賽皆以一分之差飲恨的悲慘命運, 以112比102在Denver擊敗主場的Nuggets, 他們更希望這場比賽的勝利能成為激勵全隊的動力, 然後在今晚面對西北區領頭羊Jazz的比賽中擊敗對手, 讓這次的客場長征劃下完美的句點
The role players have been great for the Nets. The triumph over the Nuggets was a perfect example with the likes of Antoine Wright, Boki Nachbar and Marcus Williams turning in terrific efforts. But the stars have to carry the Nets, and Carter has been inconsistent. But maybe now he's coming to the party full time.
球隊中的功能性球員 - 像是Antoine Wright, Boki Nachbar和Marcus Williams - 能夠適時發揮, 是本場勝利的主因之一, 不過延續勝利的氣勢, 關鍵還是在於陣中的明星球員是否能扮演帶領全隊前進的角色, 在此之前, Carter的表現只能說是差強人意, 不過現在他似乎已經找回狀態了
"Vince is one of the best fourth-quarter players in this league," praised coach Lawrence Frank. "Vince is one of the players who makes everyone else's job easier. From the coaches to his teammates. People look at Boki and see a career high [22 points]. It's because of Vince, getting in the paint, drawing two to the ball, and he's such an unselfish and willing passer that he sets so many things up."
"Carter是全聯盟最佳的第四節殺手之一" 教練Lawrence Frank如此讚美著
"Carter是那種會讓教練和隊友都覺得可以放鬆心情打球的球員, 人們可能會對Boki拿下生涯新高的22分而感到驚奇, 不過那其實得歸功給Carter, 因為他每次切入禁區都會吸引對手包夾, 加上他又是一個毫不自私且樂於傳球的球員, 也因此幫隊友製造了無數的機會 "
Before his 40-pointer, Carter scored 33 in the face of constant double-teams against the Clippers on Thursday. Before that, he had a career-high 13 assists against the Warriors on Wednesday. In his past two games, Carter shot 27-of-41 (.659), marking the first time all season he shot 50 percent in consecutive games. In the last three, despite two losses and a couple moments Carter wants to forget, he produced 96 points (32.0 average); 22 assists (7.3 average) and 13 rebounds (4.3 average).
在昨天那場獨拿40分的表演前, Carter在週四面對Clippers對他採取雙人包夾的伺候下, 還是拿下了33分, 而週三面對Warriors的比賽則是傳出生涯新高的13次助攻, 在過去兩場比賽, 他總計41次出手進了27球(命中率65.9%), 而這也是他本季首度連續兩場比賽的命中率都超越五成, 在最近三場比賽, 雖然籃網輸了其中兩場令人心碎, 不過Carter總計拿下了96分(32.0 average) , 傳出22次助攻(7.3 average) , 還搶下13個籃板(4.3 average)
Carter was downright frustrated during the early stages of this trip. He felt he wasn't getting the calls, so he asked the refs what in blazes he had to do to get a whistle. He got two - for technical fouls.
在這次客場長征剛開始時, Carter為了總是得不到對自己有利的判決而感到相當挫折, 他甚至因此憤而質問裁判到底要他怎麼作才能得到裁判公正的判決, 而裁判的回應是...吹了他兩個技術犯規
"I don't get the calls," Carter said. "You get beat up for nothing. It's hard. Believe me, my mentality is to go in there and finish the basket. If you can get the call, get the call, be strong. That's the mentality. At the same time early you go in there and try and get the foul. If you're not getting the whistle, get the basket. The points are more important than trying to draw the foul."
"我真搞不清楚他們到底是怎麼吹的" Carter說道
"我們就這樣莫名其妙地被擊敗, 這實在令人難以接受, 我告訴我自己, 我所需要做的就是試圖完成每一次進攻, 如果我能因此得到裁判對我有利的判決, 那很好, 不能的話, 也得堅強接受, 能夠製造對方犯規是很好, 不過順利拿到分數終究還是最重要的"
Well, he drew them against the Nuggets - he shot 12 free throws in that last quarter, hitting 10. And he slowed the game down to a 1950s pace, which killed the run-it-up Nuggets.
恩...至少在對上Nuggets的比賽中他成功製造了多次對手的防守犯規, 光是在第四節他就12度站上罰球線, 並且罰進了其中10球, 他也成功地將比賽節奏拉慢到像是回到了1950年代般, 因此拖垮了習慣打閃電戰的Nuggets
"I just took it as it was coming to me," Carter said. "I was trying to get to the basket, just trying to put pressure on them. I was trying to make a quick move and then put pressure on them with Boki shooting the ball like he was doing on the strong side and you had J [Kidd] on the weak side putting pressure on the big man. They had me make a decision. I was getting the calls, so I was going to take advantage of it."
"我只不過是把握機會罷了" Carter說道
"我試圖更接近籃框, 讓對方感到壓力, 在此同時, Boki和Kidd也以不同方式向對方施壓, 我們也因此取得了主動權, 加上裁判又做出不少對我方有利的判決, 我當然要好好把握以製造我方優勢"
Maybe it won't wipe away all the misery Carter experienced through the first three games of the trip when he had some mental lapses that could have gotten him booted from military service with no Catch-22.
或許這還不足以讓Carter對前三場比賽所帶給他的挫折感到釋懷, 那時他顯露出心理素質上的缺陷, 如果他是正在服役中的軍人, 光是那些錯誤判斷就足以讓他被毫不猶豫地踢出軍隊
"Stuff happens," Carter said. "You have off nights."
"世事豈能盡如人意" Carter說道 "有時你就是會感到力不從心"
And some times you have nights like Denver.
不過在某些時刻, 你可能會像在Denver的那一夜般
